Alpha High School

Your Education is Our Priority
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School Info

Alpha high school is one among the best schools in Tanzania. The school is found in Dar-es-salaam and it’s located at Mikocheni “B” industrial area. The school was built in the year 2007,comprising with day and hostel students. Also the school has both A-level and O-level students. The School offers education services for O’Level and A’Level. It follows the NECTA syllabus system. The School has 18 classrooms and 8 lecture rooms. The classrooms can accomodate up to 40 students and the lecture rooms over 70 students. The School performs well in the National Exams. It placed second for the Dar-es-Salaam zone for the Form Six National Examinations of 2012 and 26th at National Level. It placed fourth in the form four National Examination of 2011 in the Dar-Es-Salaam zone and 24th National wise.The Academic Supervisor ensures hiring of experienced staff and has promoted the school library into one of the largest in all schools. Do not forget the school fees a very reasonable compared to other schools.
